Simple PostgreSQL GUI for visualizing your databases ,tables and their column types
An attempt at a Nodejs based PostgresSQL GUI
host: "localhost",
user: "postgres",
password: "postgres",
database: "postgres",
Connection url can be used but types generation only works on local database
npm install
npm run dev
hljs for best results build and run it first
npm run build
npm start
To use the TypeORM + TypeGraphQL classes add an environment variable with your Gemini API key, its free for simple uses.
The output types and classes are stored in the
pg directory
Rakkasjs Vite frontend + Nodejs backend + useServerSideQuery data fetching hooks
Shadcn/UI + Tailwindcss Stylings and components
Postgresjs: low level ORM for PostgresSQL
kanel: Tool for generating typescript types from Postgres
Gemini AI To generate TypeORM + TypeGraphQL classes
Shikiji Syntax highlighter , used to style the code blocks
image.png" alt="Shikiji highlighted code" />